
This took awhile, I went through around 500 games, first I tried to make some sort of top 10, top 25 list or something similar. But this is just not possible, some will love certain genre while others will hate it. So I’ll just post the once I liked, so this list is not in any particular order.

You get this games for free (instead of paying for it), I’m really not familiar with the law, but if games creators want it removed, I’ll remove them. So please don’t sue me :) I’m serious.


These games were tested on Sony Ericsson W810i, you’ll need a good phone with good processing power, so anything below K750 … I’m not sure you’ll be able to play it. Good luck.


SThis is my favorite game for various reasons. Programming team really did an awesome job. First what will surprise you is that you’re able to rotate your screen completely to either left or right, and play this game horizontally, there’s a thing called “autogas” so you don’t have to keep holding accelerate button.

Second, game supports bluetooth, mode that lets you play multiplayer game with your friends phone. Works great. This game is really 3D, unlike lets say Colin Mcrea rally, which is definitely 2D. You can change camera, cars, there are 3 countries, with a lot of different tracks. There’s just time attack and championship.

Even I said there’s no tops in this post, this is one of my favorite games. Also this game is not easy, so it’ll really occupy your free time.


Midnight Pool

Now if you don’t like pool, skip this right away. For those who like pool, this is game for you. Even tho you’ll think it’s not like real pool, for some reason you’ll change your opinion. Game is realistic, and pretty hard. Championship, if you lose 3 times from the same opponent, you gotta start from the beginning!

Very cool game, very good psychics. There are challenges, ah simply put this game is awesome if you’re pool fan.



Age of Empires II

I really couldn’t and didn’t believe mobile could go this far.This game is literally just as on computer, you can do everything you can do in the “actual” game. Only minus is that you need to spend some time to get around it and learn how to play it.

Be careful, once you learn it, and get into it, not easy to get out. You’ll spend not hours and hours, you’ll actually spend days playing it. If you’re RTS fan, you can’t pass this one.


Need for Speed Carbon

As in actual game, you can pimp your car, find oponents, however, I dont think it’s too much for mobile, I’ll rather get into age of empires, since racing is not really that fun anymore. I’d rather kick it off with V-Rally with my friend via bluetooth.

Don’t get me wrong, this game is awesome, but lack of multiplayer … makes this game go below V-Rally, especially not excepted from someone big like EA. Also great amount of maps. And for some reason, too much time spent on graphics, which isn’t really that good. At least IMO.


Extreme Air Snowboard


Multiplayer, definete plus, even though it’ll be the same phone. Even though other games have great soundtracks, they are not included during the game. Graphics are awesome, definitely 3D.

Once you get to know how to do the tracks, and make sure you do them good, hit one with your friend.


Doom RPG

Of course I didn’t want to leave out FPS fans :) Even tho controls on consoles as well as mobile, will be really difficult. Graphics, real 3D, and graphics are so great that it actually looks just like the original Doom series (first one of course)

There is another Doom version, Doom M? Which is actually horrible, it was more then playing some maze kind of game, rather then FPS. *Thumbs up.


Sims 2 Mobile

I was never fan of Sims series, so … yea :) But whoever liked Sims, this game will amaze you. Hell, it amazed me as well. Now all you freaks will be not only to have virtual life on your PC, but as well as wherever you go.

You make your own character, not as broad as in actual game but pretty good. You don’t build your own house. It’s pretty complicated in the beginning its wild! Great game, Sims fans, don’t miss this, seriously.


NY Nights

So even tho I’m not fan of Sims alike games. This game is awesome! You make your character just like in Sims, you get your place, you gotta get job, and etc … etc …
Sims is really popular and good, but what’s really the point?

In NY Nights, you’ve got 40 days to succeed in NYC. Pretty much you have to do same things you do in Sims, social, job, fun, bla bla. IMO definitely better then Sims.


Tony Hawk’s Underground

Scater boys, you gonna love this. In some weird sort of way, it really comes shoulder to shoulder with that snowboard game.

It may be 2D, but numerous maps, pull it off. As snowboard game, once you got your tricks, you’re on ;)



Ah yes :) As some of you know when I got time I write code for Wormux Worms linux clone. I’m absolute fan of Worms.

Worms are great, multiplayer of course, one word, this is one of those multiplayer games you have to love, kick ass game. Kick ass.


Rollercoaster Rush

This is one of my most played game, for reason that this game is incredibly simple. It’s just pure simple fan, without too much of thinking.

Even tho it seems only 3 countries are not much, this game is pretty difficult, so it might take awhile before you finish it. Great.


Crazy Minigolf Zoo

Lately, all I play with my friends when go out, and just doing anything, we play “Crazy Minigolf Zoo” It’s definetely crazy, and just fun, hint: Waste few beers while playing it :) I never played it alone, so calling a friend or two is definitely the best fun.


Block Break Deluxe

Second one, I also discovered from those (500-600ish games) is “Block Break Deluxe”



Few years ago, you’d see these kind of games really couldn’t even be played on Sony Playstation 1. Graphics were around there somewhere, but didn’t have multiplayer bluetooth.

To sum it all, if you hear a mobile gamer, take it seriously.


Most or all of your questions have been answered on comments below … pretty much, please read the comments and then ask your question/comment.
