I’m really not good in introducing myself, but I’ll give my best since this is my introduction post for Planet Debian :D

I’m Adnan Hodzic (AbsintheSyringe) from Bosnia and Herzegovina, for those who attended DebConf9 I’m the “Bosnian bid” guy :)

I’ve been around GNU/Linux itself for some 10 years now, I’ve been using many distributions and following many visions over the years, and in my case, what became a most important thing of one distribution was “environment” in which that distribution is being developed. I really enjoy Debian developers company and way Debian is being developed, even though I believe some things could be changed, and thus reason why I’m here :P


Sorry it took me this long for my spine to take debian swirl shape, but I was on a daunting quest :) Last couple of years I’ve been involved in Debian as a contributor, but I really hope that I’ll make it into official DD anytime soon.

So I’ll just stop talking here, go back to work and let my actions speak instead of my words :)
