Almost all of wiki contents got updated, so please take your time to review it all, once again :heh:

“nü” was more of a symbolic meaning, since in meantime we solved our bids “weakest links” and pretty much got it “mature” and at the stage we were aiming it to be. We’ll still make some minor changes to it until the final decision date (in 47 hours) but this is it really :party: So without further ado, let me introduce you to our nü wiki :announce: Since besides changing pretty much the whole wiki we have also added (important) new pages for:

Banja Luka and Republika Srpska


We have added a new pages to bring Banja Luka and Republika Srpska closer to every potential visitor.

Full Government Support

Today we have received the most important information when it comes to our bid. Today government council sitting was done, where one of the topics was full financial support in case Banja Luka is host to DebConf11. Proposition was accepted! :dance: To remind you, we will get free venue building whether it’s “Government Building” or “Banski Dvori”, besides that we’re getting them to cover basically all of the costs needed for the conference, and besides that we’re getting 5 additional members to our local team (highly capable and educated govt. officials) which even includes city Mayor. Early tomorrow we’ll get scan/fax of this memorandum from Chief of Cabinet along with the local team names which will all together be added to this very wiki page.

Local Team

We have almost assembled our local team/supporters team whose members were wisely and thoroughly selected. Since before anything this is Balkans Debconf, and a new breakthrough to a region that has ~55 million inhabitants, we have made connections all over Balkans, especially from Serbia and Belgrade. This page might might “suffer” the biggest changes in next few hours, especially since we still need to add people on behalf of ETF  (Faculty of Electrical Engineering) and Goverment itself.


We have made a separate page for accommodation as well, since we have gathered a whole bunch of new information that just required us to make a new page.


We have made a major breakthrough in Network connectivity and technicalities as well! SARNET – Academic and Research Network of Republic of Srpska has offered us with 1GB link … free as in beer! Please see their Letter of Support/Memorandum, besides that we have Mtel and BHTelecom as our “backup” options.


Besides all that, as I previously noted we made changes throughout wiki page, we have added new contents to fun and free time, as well as to the arrival. Tomorrow with last pages to our local team + govt. support memorandum being added to our wiki … we are ready for the DebConf11 final decision! Remainder, decision is being made in 47 hours on #debconf-team on; please come and support us for being host to DebConf11! :fingersxd:

Bosnia and Herzegovina FTW! :victory:
