If you thought you saw this post already, you’re right, since this is our second time announcing official DebConf11 dates. First time announced dates can be found on: DebConf11 official dates – deprecated (Nov 29th update)

Official and Final DebConf11 dates in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina are:

DebCamp: 17 – 23 July 2011
DebConf: 24 – 30 July 2011


On behalf of whole DebConf11 team I would like to apologize to everybody who already organized and booked their vacation after initial announcement,  reasons why these dates were altered can be found on debconf-team discussion on “Let’s decide DebConf11 final dates“.

These dates will be announced on Debian website as official announcement as well.

See you in Bosnia? :)
