I thought of this idea for a long time now. I’m a guy (read male) and I hate shopping. Therefor, I hate going to shopping centers, shops, supermarkets etc… and looking for certain thing for dozen of minutes, even the sales people don’t know where everything is.

However there’s one question, how many times have you been in shopping trying to get socks for example, and imagine you could just come across some “device” where you could type what you’re looking for and it would tell you where the article you’re looking for could be.

Usual shopping takes up to even couple of hours, this could help you and reduce your time, and let you know if there’s such a product or not. Like searching for absinthe.
Search/Look for: absinthe … not found ;)


Also advertisement would be enabled, looking for socks for example would lead to shoes, lingerie, sport socks, etc… Of course in the same center, where others would like to promote their products.

Best described what I would do is right here on the pictures:

Idea how it should look like in the shopping center, mall, supermarket, etc …

How the “application” should look like

I think those pictures explain all, even tho they are all trying to keep it organized, the placed are just becoming too big to handle and manage manually.

Since I find Google to be most innovative company, this very instant I’m mailing them this URL, I really want to see what they think about it.
