OK, so last week I was in Zagreb, attenting DORS/CLUC 2008. The conference + workshop, only lasted 2 days + 1 day workshop, but my friend Vedran (best know for being owner of microsoft.ba) and myself went there 1 day earlier, and I extended my stay cuz I enjoyed Zagreb so much :)

When it comes to conference, it was absolutely great, most of attention and best lecture was by “Harald Welte” about OpenMoko. I had a nice little chat with him, about it all. Alan Cox was there as well, but to be honest, I expected much more from his “lecture” but that always happens when you get your expentations too high, from anything really.

I’d like to give out a special thanks to Kristijan Zimmer, who was like the main organizator of it all, and who did a great job for all of it, and of course Vlatko Kosturjak :)


What came out good out of this whole thing? Well besides really great time I had in Zagreb, and everything/everybody being so nice to me, conference and both workshop were really great. If I’d like to make a comparison between a big thing such as DebConf and DORS, I’d really give DORS … I’d rate it 9 out 10.

So …

1. Conference and workshop were great, check
2. I signed a contract for this projet, relatively good money invovled, check
3. I got a “Moodle” certificate on 3 rd day of DORS on a workshop, check
4. Everything was absolutely great and I enjoyed it, check
5. And I got opportunity to talk/lecture on DORS next year (didn’t plan this at all), but if I do something worth talking about, I’ll definetely do it.

So here, enjoy the pictures and a video I made. There’s just so much to say but … yea. Besides this all, I’m workin on 3 projects right now, so I won’t really have time to post for awhile here, I also have big plans to develop “FoolControl v1.5” but all in it’s time. And yes “ultimate” answer to an “ultimate” question is that, after this whole event I can walk around saying that “size does not matter” don’t ask me anything about this :)

Hood we were in, was absolutely beatuful, kinda near to FER and ex INA building.

Btw, we had a private room in “Buzz hostel” and staff was incredibly great to us, it turned out to be great place, downtown Zagreb and all.
And here’s a bonus video, last night there was this pretty big party at our hostel, so some of us couldn’t sleep cuz of it. Vedran desperately trying to stay awake :D
