Two days ago I got an email from “DebConf announce”, one of the things just … pierced my eyes was this:

“Registration for DebConf8, which will take place in Mar del Plata from Sunday 10 to Saturday 16 August 2008, will soon close, the registration deadline is end of this month, thats only about two weeks left.”

After DebConf7, DebConf8 wasn’t exactly in my head, mostly because I knew it was in Argentina. And for your information Distance from Tuzla, Bosnia to Mar Del Plata, Argentina is 11.923 kilometers that is direct air distance.


Nevertheless, yesterday I was troubling myself with some weird questions, because I could end up on another 2-3 locations this summer. But let’s not talk about that right now :) But, that email opened my eyes or something, and I ended up saying “I gotta get there”, so today I actually registered.

It’s official, I’m going to DebConf8, I don’t know how I’m gonna get there but I’m gonna get there. Today I had a little chat on #debconf and my current plan is to meet up with someone who lives near me (in Europe of course), meet up half way somewhere and off to DebConf8

So I’d also use this chance to say, if you’re from Europe and going to DebConf8 and actually reading this, please get in touch!
