I really need Windows, I actually need to simulate “Server environment” and “Client environment”, I have 3 notebooks in my household but I’m not sure they came along with “Design for Windows” stickers :)

VirtualBox … very very good piece, incredible actually. But from a official (resp) source, on Debian testing my usb controllers are not working. This is huge huge minus if you ask me. VMware Workstation 6.x is great, everything works, but … I have an issue with them.

Problem with VMware is that, they release their product, and if you’re on any “newer” kernel, please note, not latest testing or development branch, but official stable kernel is not supported. That’s why they have their “vmware-any-any patch” which is not even their thing, but is written by some “random guy”.


I have 3 kernels on this machine. 2.6.18-4, 2.6.18-5 and 2.6.22-2, problem is that VMware will not working with 2.6.22.x even tho latest stable linux kernel is Of course everything worked fine on 2.6.18, but I’m long time of that kernel. Moving back to 2.6.18 was just not an option.

I tried (literally) 1000 “combinations”, from different vmware-any-any patch versions, to different compiling methods, to make-vmpkg to 101 and thing, nothing worked. Until today I did this completely random thing and everything worked. So if you’re on any distro with >=2.6.22 kernel, do this to make your vmware work.

Remember, my vmmon part passed just fine, my compiling was with vmnet, so your problem will be the same thing. Of course if you’re on >=2.6.22.x kernel.

Copy to:
(if file already exists, replace it, overwrite)

cd /path/to/your/vmware-distrib/bin

Pass the following


In my case this was.
CC=/usr/bin/gcc-4.1 vmware-config.pl

And after all that time, it all worked!


P.S: You forget how much Windoz can suck :)
