udev is evil.

Pretty long time ago, my kernel was compiled just to make my usb devices working. It worked fine, until the other day they stopped working again. I mean it’s weird sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt.

So anyways instead of just doing the kernel again, I just did something with udev. My udev was 064 and just today I heard that it tends to have problems on 2.6 kernels. So I cant remember what I’ve did, or I upgraded to 064 udev or … nevermind. My udev didn’t work again, sh /etc/rc.d/rc.udev restart, my machine’s pretty weird so I need to reboot my machine to get it started.

Today, when I wanted to use my usb stick I figured it doesnt work. So, ok, slackware guys gave me this interesting link about udev 091 and bunch of other things. I didnt read the whole README so I just installed 091 which will not work unless you install the other 3 thingies! So I couldn’t even boot into my system. Nice.

I dont know why, but I didnt get too excitet, I just slowly but surely wanted to solve the poblem. I didnt think oh I’ll have to reinstall or something like that thoughts. So instead of I booted out of CD, with few 2boots I had problems which meant I didnt do something right cuz I still couldnt boot into my system.

Anyways 3rd time it went perfectly fine, I removed the 091, rebooted. My usb still doesnt work… In the mean time I isntalled 071 (from slackware current) my usb still didnt work. Later on I figured I made a pretty bad conflict between those two.

So removed 064 installed 071 and damn the thing is working now. I just wonder for how long, this thing is … evil.
