As it goes or whole “system” itself, this is final v1.0 release. I’ll talk about bugs in one second. Last month on 14th, I started this whole “foolcontrol” thing, and for 1 month period, all I can say is that … yea I’m very pleased with the “results”.

Most of visitors come from North America and Europe. Windows is still leading OS with 51.20%, while Linux comes second with 34.82%. As for browsers, Firefox is defeinte leader with 40.36% while IE comes in third with 19.64% :)

Average would be 27.9 unique visits for day, so for a blog yea that’s good.


As for the bugs, there was one people like to complain about, and that one is that poll its result, actually everything regarding it, text would be just … “jagged” or screwed if you wish. So I just did a fix today. As it comes to another “big” bug. Konqueror on front page, it only displays first and last post. I have no idea how to fix this bug, and just so you know, Konqueror on KDE4, there’s no more such thing. It displays everything perfectly.

And yes “Emails from marked as junk?” adding spf record helped, so that’s been solved now too. If you wan’t your foolcontrol email … get it :)

I’m actually thinking of implementing a forum, some of you would actually like that :)
I think I’ll let poll decide about that one, while I most definetely will implement gallery … over time :)

That’s it, peace out ;)
